Thursday, May 23, 2019

Rain, Rain go away

May is almost over and we still have yet to see some sunshine here. The weather is horrible in San Diego. Yesterday evening the sky looked menacing. Dark clouds moving fast and then lingering right above our home to open up to cold showers. Usually this would not bother me, but we have so many plans for this upcoming Memorial weekend.
On Friday we will be attending Mona and Vince's civil wedding ceremony in downtown San Diego at City Hall, part of it is outside. Followed by a dinner at Tom Ham's Lighthouse. Forecast says sunny. Let's hope so.

Unfortunately, for Sunday's garden party/wedding shower we have a chance of rain. And the temperatures are not really warm and cozy. Everyone planned on colorful summer dresses as the theme is Mexican Fiesta. The pre-party to the upcoming wedding in Cabo in June. Exciting times. I guess we need some throws and blankets.
No sun, means no tan. White as a sheet we will arrive in Cabo and will leave red as a lobster.

P.S. of course I should not complain as I read about floods and tornadoes in other parts of the country.

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