Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Family members

Today 120 years ago my grandmother Martha was born. She lived in Berlin most of her life and died there at the age of 100 and 11 months. A very quiet and serious woman. I wrote a short blog entry about her a few years ago. Read here 

Oma Martha in her sun room, enjoying a beer 

To add to that, I know she went through very hard times during WWII and from the few stories that she told me, I also think that she may have been raped by a soldier. She also had a stillbirth, a little girl, before my father and she always talked about her. She loved my daughter, a baby at that time and I think it confused her sometimes who that baby could be.
For many years, before we left Berlin, I would visit her every Sunday with the kids. She looked forward to that very much and always had coffee and cake ready for us. We would chat and that was when she would tell me some of the events during her life as a single mother while my grandfather was at war. She always had some good advice for me to take home, as well as a slice of cake.
I had a good relationship with her, but she was distant, no hugs or kisses, never smiled, except for the children. She was a strong woman, physically and mentally and I admire her for that very much. I think I may have inherited her stubbornness.

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