Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Blogger as my Journal

I still read knitting blogs now and then, some food blogs and also many paper and pen related blogs. In all these years, I see that along the way so many blogs have irregular entries (just like mine) or have been abandoned or shut down completely. Some bloggers wrote a farewell entry, telling their followers why they would not continue their blog, but would leave it open for others to use the resources, tips and tricks. Others just left quietly or suddenly.
I noticed this when I was cleaning up my bookmarks.
I even found the first blog that I began to read, Knitterdad, who started in 2002. I followed blogs that he was following and that way it snowballed and my blogroll grew. I wanted to join the blogger community and after researching options, I launched my own blog under a German provider ( in 2004. But after a year switched to blogger. Can't tell you what my first entry was or when it was exactly.

Nowadays as a blogroll or RSS reader app, I use Feedly. Moved all my bookmarks and favorites from Google Reader when that abruptly discontinued in 2013. My content is still following the same topics, knitting, food and pens although they are different sites from 13/14 years ago and news roll has been added (since Trump's election).

I assume that many bloggers strive to make money on their blog, which has never been my goal. I see my blog more as a journal. And this is why I am coming back to Blogger.
I researched journal apps and tried out a few that were free. Journey, Penzu, (both have more feature on the pro version) DayOne (iOS only), etc. all have a free version and a phone app, but I cannot write a long entry on my phone. Even though I switched back to a Blackberry, (love the Key One), to be able to type on a physical keyboard again. So, here I am back on Blogger.

I like to write, not saying that I am good at it (not planning on writing a book), but I enjoy describing my journey on how to find the perfect knitting pattern, the perfect yarn and presenting the end result. A bit more detailed than the entry on Ravelry. Or posting pictures of a rainbow other than only a post on Instagram. And maybe turn this into my travel journal. Not that we travel a lot, but who knows, we are close to retirement age and hopefully that would be a goal of ours. Could this become my photo-album? That would be cool.
I am not expecting followers or comments. And if an entry is too personal, I will keep it as a draft and not publish it.

My previous old entries are nothing to brag about. The only ones that I am proud of and that I really enjoyed writing are my NaBloPoMo 2015 and 2016 posts.
Short essays of memories of my life in chapter 1 (in Iran) and 2 (in Germany).
I still have to write my chapter 3 of my life in the US and now as a US citizen. Sometime maybe to hand down to the kids or grandkids.

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