Friday, January 6, 2017

A late New Year's post

A new year and no resolutions.

Last year has been a sad year for us, losing my dad so suddenly after a very short period of illness was a tough one. I do miss him a lot, but what breaks my heart is my mother's pain of a life without her soulmate. She has lost a lot of weight having no appetite and also as a result a lot of muscle, especially in her legs. Now she needs to use a walker as she is too weak to stand on her own. The doctor is making regular house-calls to check on her. Luckily, she lives in the same house as my sister and has her full support.

So, I decided that this year I will live for the moment, for the Now. I have no plans, no goals and no desire to make them. Let each day bring what it brings and I will deal with it. After experiencing a loss in your family it tends to bring you closer together as you support each other, comfort each other and mourn together. At this time family is priority.

I do have a feeling this will be a great year. It may have its ups and downs, but we will jump those hurdles.
I am late with a new year's post - I guess I had not planned on it. ;-)

So here is to 2017 - Goodbye 2016, you were a bitch.

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