Monday, January 26, 2015

What a Knitter does not like to hear:

Susanne N shared this with you:
The article below is so true. I wear my lace shawls to work all winter and I always get the comment, 'oh you should sell these'. Yeah, no, that would kill my joy of knitting.
I have to agree with #2 Time. I take my time to chose a pattern and a yarn that speaks to it. Then I swatch, then I think about it, then I cast on and very often, I unravel and search a different pattern, as yarn and chart did not want to partner up.
And why do I spend so much time on this?  See #4. Yes, to de-stress. Those steps I just mentioned, they are my happy place. I enjoy the search for pattern and yarn as much as I enjoy the knitting itself and I take my time with all of them. So, I would not like to add pressure of finishing the project by a certain time.

One of the worst things possible to tell a knitter:  "Oh my gosh that's so nice, you should totally sell it!" No. "But it's meant as a compliment! Don't you think that's nice? You could put it on a rack in a store!" Just stop.  "You could sell a ton on Etsy! What, you don't appreciate a compliment?"  Not that one.
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