Monday, January 29, 2018

One year later

I had a very hard time believing that Trump had won the election. I have never been interested in politics, hated history and civics classes in school and never paid much attention as a student. But this information exploded like a bomb and I listened up.
I started researching and learning more about the U.S. government. I made notes. This is where my multiple journals came in handy. One is now a dedicated notebook for politics and economics.
What is the electoral college? What is gerrymandering? I found out how interesting all these answers were.

Ok, so here is the thing. I cannot vote in the U.S. as I am not a citizen. My family and I are green card holders and we have moved here over 20 years ago. However, this election has pushed me to think about our status.
Although I am not really a big Hillary fan, I probably would have voted for her, as Trump always seemed to me a con-man and so dislikeable. How can he be a politician when he has only been interested in taking advantage and making a profit.

So the only positive thing that came out of this election that I can see, is that so many people, including my family and I, are informing themselves much more, and I hope that more people will go to the polls going forward.
I have applied for citizenship for all of us and the first step that I will take is to register as a voter.
Let's see how long this process will take. Maybe I can vote this November.

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