Friday, October 2, 2009


Why are the weeks rushing by so fast? We are not getting any younger....October already.
I am planning on taking a few days off, going on a kind of mini-vacation as I have not taken any time off in ages. In May I took off two days from work while my sister was visiting. We did end up going to Vegas for the weekend, but it was not relaxing. It was fun, but not relaxing.
I have lots of ideas, like renting a cabin or renting a small RV and going on a roadtrip, Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks come to my mind, after I have been watching the series on KPBS. And we have not been at either place. A trip up to the Bay Area to visit son and in-laws, combined with visiting friends who I have not seen in a long time. It seems like the planning part is the most difficult when the other traveling party is not responsive to my suggestions, other than a hmm-hmmm... or stifled yawn.
If that is too complicated we could take a day trip up to San Clemente, always a nice place to spend a day. Lots of beach and antique shops. Probably a yarn shop too. Maybe I should just buy myself a ticket.

My T-twist Tee is coming to an end. Of course I have pictures of the dogs, rather than knitting. But here is a picture of my little helper in the evening on the couch. This is how we spend out knitting and TV time after 9pm. Watching 'Fringe' or 'Medium' or a Netflix movie. And some of the knitting is showing too.

If the big guy can squeeze in, he will, just to take up as much space as he can and to lie on my lap or here in this case rest his tired head on my leg. He did not move and fell asleep long enough for the camera to be dug up from my bag and several pictures taken. My leg fell asleep in the process. But he was so cute and I did not want to move and wake him up.'s a dog's life.

That evening I just had to have some ice cream. Mostly every evening I crave ice cream. My favorite one and it's cheaper too, is Thrifty Vanilla which you can buy at Rite-Aid. And lucky me, I had some apple cake to go with that. Love a-la mode. Apples were brought in by a friend at work. She has a big tree in the back yard and her sons were on a mission last weekend. Unfortunately no one knows what kind of apples they are and they do not taste that great, maybe they need to ripen longer. But baked as a cake they are just fine. This recipe is my grandmother's and I love making this cake. You can top it with any fruit you like, apples, pears, plums and nuts - it always turns out to be the perfect coffee cake.
here is the recipe:

Oma's Apfelkuchen
200gr Flour (3.5 cups)
125 gr Sugar (1.25 cups)
125 gr Butter or Margarine (1.5 sticks of margarine)
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
2 tsp Baking Powder
2 eggs
Apples (about 8 apples depending on size, peeled and sliced)
Mix sugar, butter and eggs and beat until smooth, add vanilla.
Add flour mixed with baking powder gradually.
until batter is thick and rips from mixer
Spread batter in a 9x13 pan
top with apple slices
(Optional toppings: raisins, almond slivers, sugar and cinnamon)

Bake 45 minutes at 375F (200C)

1 comment:

  1. I love the dog pictures--especially Mr. Sleepyhead!

    I'll have to try that Apfelkuchen. My German host mom was an amazing cook, and her cakes and tortes were the highlight of my days. She had a rum cake with a lemon drizzle that just made me drool.
