Friday, October 26, 2007

My Cheesecake

This has been one crazy week or even two. I was stressing out between the planning of a sales conference at work and the evacuation from home during the fires. And both was happening at the same time. But we have moved back home, the sales conference is over and I can say that almost all is back to normal.

My Cheesecake:

I had made a cheesecake for my afternoon get-together two weeks ago and it was perfect. I do not use creamcheese but farmers cheese instead. This is the way we make cheesecake in Germany. A bit of fresh lime squeezed into the cheese mixture gives it the mild lemony touch. The crust is made from scratch and is so easy and can be made for any pie-style cake in springforms. I cover the crust with thinly sliced almonds which gives it a crunch. Yummy. My recipe:


For the dough:
8.8 oz flour
¼ tsp baking powder
4.4 oz butter
2.3 oz sugar
1 egg
Mix butter, sugar and egg, mix flour and baking powder and add to egg mixture. Knead dough into a ball. Roll out half of it on bottom of a spring form. With other half make an edge.
(optional: sprinkle almond slices on bottom of dough and add 1 glass of drained sour cherries)

Cheese Filling

26.5 oz Farmers Cheese
7 oz Sugar
2 tsp lemon juice
3 eggs
2.6 oz melted butter
2.3 oz flour

Mix ingredients and pour into spring form. Bake at 350 for 60 minutes. (optional: after 50 minutes remove cake and brush top of cake with a beaten egg yolk, then continue to bake for another 10 minutes)


Für den Teig:
250g Mehl
1 Msp Backpulver
125g Butter
65g Zucker
1 Ei
Butter, Zucker, Ei verruehren, Mehl und Backpulver vermischen und dazugeben.
Teig verkneten und die Hälfte des Teiges in eine Springform ausrollen. Mit dem restlichen Teig einen Rand formen.
(je nach Geschmack, 20g gemahlende Mandeln auf Teigboden verteilen und 1 Glas abgetropfte Sauerkirschen auf Mandeln verteilen)


750g Magerquark
200g Zucker
2 El Zitronensaft
3 Eier
75g zerlassene Butter
65g Mehl

Zutaten verrühren und in Springform geben.
Bei 175 – 200 G für 60 Minuten backen. Nach 50 Minuten den Kuchen herausnehmen und mit einem verrührtem Eigelb bepinseln. Dann weiterbacken.

Gutes Gelingen!

It was nice to have friends over and talk about everything and nothing. It has been a while since people have come over to our place so it was nice to come up with some fall decoration, kind of last minute. Teenie had brought some mini-pumpkins from the daycare center where she works and I just added a few ivy cuts to them. Easy and pretty, I thought. In the afternoon, the sun gave it so much more light and color.

1 comment:

  1. Deutscher kaeskuchen -- mmmm, sieht ganz lecker aus!!
